Volkswagen Technical Development is a new patron of the IZB

From 22nd to 24th October 2024, the International Suppliers Fair (IZB) will showcase innovations in the automotive supplier industry for the twelfth time. The Volkswagen Group and the city of Wolfsburg have been patrons of the event ever since it was first launched and were joined by the German Federal State of Lower Saxony as a new patron in 2006.

Up until now, Volkswagen has mainly been represented at the IZB by its Group Procurement. This year, however, the Technical Development division is expanding both the circle of IZB patrons and the automotive manufacturer’s commitment to the event. “The additional involvement of Technical Development emphasises the pace of innovation, which Volkswagen wants to bring to the forefront even more at the renowned industry gathering. At the same time, it also meets exhibitors’ requests for a stronger presence of Technical Development at the trade fair,” states Josef Schulze-Sutthoff, Head of the IZB at Wolfsburg AG, the company organising the trade fair.

“As developers at Volkswagen, we strive to make exciting technologies accessible to as many people as possible. With its key topic of ‘Empowering Partnerships: Competitiveness, Sustainability and Acceleration’, this year’s IZB again offers the best conditions for a successful innovation transfer in a rapidly changing environment. With this in mind, we want to support and promote the exchange of ideas and expertise on the three days of the event,” says Kai Grünitz, Member of the Board of Management of the Volkswagen Brand responsible for “Technical Development”.

Click here for the press release: The Technical Development division of the Volkswagen Group expands the circle of IZB patrons (